
Boarding Program

Students who are admitted under the boarding program reside at school for the duration of each term. They are provided with accommodation, three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, super) and other services. They are provided with identical casual wear for use outside class.

Day Program

Students who are on day program report at school at 7:00 am for classes and leave at 4:30 pm. While at school they are provided with lunch and other services. They participate in all day time scheduled activities.


Fees Structure for Academic Year 2025 for New Entrants

Fees for First Term (Uganda Shillings)

Boarding Students

Day Students

Tuition Fees
Registration & ID
Class Uniform & Casual Wear
Functional Fees
1. An academic year comprises three terms.
2. Class uniform & casual wear are paid for once, when a student is admitted. The same applies to the registration and ID.
3. A parent who has two or more children at St. Francis Of Assisi High school concurrently gets a tuition subsidy on each child per term.

Tuition Payment

All fees must be paid by their due dates to assure the student's place at the School. Payment may be done in three installments of 50%, 30%, and 20%. A surcharge of 2% on amounts not paid by the due date is mandatory.

Bank details for Wire Transfer

Note: The School will not be responsible for transfer of money into a wrong account. Please double check the details before paying.

Payment Options

School Pay

Pay fees via the School Pay website or use your mobile phone. Insert the student code provided by the school.

Bank Deposit

Visit any of the branches of the Finance Trust Bank and process the payment .

Cash at office

In rare circumstances cash may be accepted if a parent or guardian has a genuine reason for not paying using the other options. Only the head teacher can authorise payment of cash at office.